The Log
Produced by The World Ship Society since 1954 and the NAA since 1968, The Log is a indexed journal of record, written by seafarers, maritime enthusiasts and historians, and includes well illustrated historical research and personal accounts of ships and shipping, as well as a contemporary record of ships and ship movements with a focus on Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific.
The Log is published quarterly in March, June, September and December and delivered to subscribers as hard copy and as PDF.

The Annual Subscription will be as follows
with a PDF option also available:
PDF only AU$35.00 for any Subscriber regardless of location (by Credit Card using PayPal on this website only) NZ subscribers may pay $NZD 40.00 in the NZ Westpac Account 03-0903-0210842
PDF: see above (highlighted in bold)
Hard Copy: AU$50.00
Hard Copy and PDF: AU $70.00
Payment may be made via PayPal on this website, or by Funds Transfer (EFT) within Australia to BSB 633 000, account number 148 031 065 Name: Nautical Association of Australia
PDF: see above (highlighted in bold)
Hard Copy: AU$55.00 paid by Credit Card using PayPal on this website, or NZ $60.00 by Funds Transfer (EFT) only within New Zealand to the Westpac Account 03-0903-0210842.
Hard Copy and PDF: AU $75.00 by Credit Card using PayPal on this website or NZ $80.00 to the Westpac Account.
PDF: see above (highlighted in bold)
Hard Copy: AU $85.00
Hard Copy and PDF: AU $105.00
All payments by credit card using PayPal on this website.
PDF: see above (highlighted in bold)
Hard Copy: AU$60.00
Hard Copy and PDF: AU$80.00
All payments by credit card using PayPal on this website.
DONATIONS are always welcome. We are a small not for profit Association facing increased printing and postage costs against a declining subscribership as many of our loyal subscribers age.
back issues
In the past we have been able to supply many old issues of The Log in hard copy form but this facility is no longer available.
We have digitizied ALL issues of both The Log and its predecessors up to 2019 and these are available in PDF form on the Past Log webpage of this site.
For PDF copies of Logs post 2019 these are available at $10 each, including GST except for the most recent which will require a subscription.
Any enquiry about back issues should be directed through the Contacts section of this website.
the log annual indexes
Index for Volume 52, issues 215 to 218 (new series).
Index for Volume 51, issues 211 to 214 (new series).
Index for Volume 50, issues 207 to 210 (new series).
Index for Volume 49, issues 203 to 206 (new series).
Cumulative indexes
In September 2015 the Nautical Association announced four new LOG indexes which together greatly enhance the value of THE LOG as a research tool. The indexes enable ready access to illustrations and the wealth of historic and other maritime information published in 273 issues of THE LOG, over 61 years from 1954 to the end of 2014. Click the links below for indexes:
Index of Articles 1954-2014
Articles published with key words and ship names separately cross-referenced (36 pages, 1.1MB pdf).
Index of Authors 1954-2014
Authors and their published articles listed chronologically (44 pages, 1.2MB pdf).
Index of Fleets and Classes 1954-2014
Merchant ship companies (owners, managers, agents and builders) with history and fleet or yard lists (or part thereof), merchant ship fleets, general categories, and naval vessel classes (24 pages, 0.9MB pdf).
Index of Illustrations 1968-2014
Lists all 2,800 ships illustrated since 1968, some several times (56 pages, 1.2MB pdf).